A Truly Difficult Post
[I opened this blog solely for this message - for those with screenreaders and find image text too hard to read. Will likely remove in a couple of weeks!] Hi guys. This is a very hard post to write, along w/ a small “goodbye”. But, it’s also more than that. For 5-6 months I have not been okay - and when I say not okay, I mean the kind of darkness you can imagine, as well as some you couldn’t possibly. I’ve been doing the work - harder work than many of my lows combined. It’s been fruitful, but also left me completely ……gutted. Empty. I stared down the worst of the worst for months, but am now a literal captive released who has no idea what to even do w/ freedom. In the past, I always just turned and went right back bc I didn’t know the first thing about existing w/o someone telling me how. Since I was an infant, my life was under specific, controlled instructions to meet others’ demands or fantasies, no deviation — told who I am, given my friends/partners, spoon fed my inter...